Tessellated Pavement

Tessellated Pavement

This is a rock structure of a different kind. There are no towering cliffs but instead an unusually symmetrical pattern of erosion. Not only is it interesting to look at, this is one of the few places in the world you can see this type of thing. The pavement consists of areas of raised pillow-like rocks and irregularly shaped rectangles. The rocks seem so well organised and lined up that you wouldn’t think it is possible that they are naturally formed. This fascinating site is easy to access and leads onto the lovely Pirates Bay beach which is a striking geological feature in the area. A relatively uniform slab of rock lapping into the sea is criss-crossed with cuts. The Tessellated Pavement is a great place to stop and have a wander around on a sunny day. The Tessellated Pavement is arguably the most famous. The flat rocks here have a naturally formed criss-cross pattern from fractures in the rock, and the tide often leaves pools of water sitting in the rectangles to create a reflective surface, making it popular with photographers.